When I begun the intermediate digital media course the project that was given to me seemed daunting and impossible because I have never had experience with Flash before.
What I found interesting when exploring flash for the first time was how simplistic the programme was. The simple timeline and commands meant I could focus on learning the set number of instructions and start experimenting.
Actually creating a 2-3 second animation proved harder as creating an object and moving it meant spending hours manipulating the scene to ensure you created a piece of animation that is believable.
A key point I have learn't through flash is Believability is the key to animation. This idea is something I have struggled with when animating as being able to make character move realistically has been hard because I drew everything from scratch and in doing some moving a character to walk etc. is harder as it involves moving each segment of the character to be moved individually.
Editing sound with flash has also proven to be hard. When experimenting in class, I used CS4 but on my laptop I use CS5 and the difference is huge. CS5 has proven to be more vague and difficult to edit with as none of the commands can be found or are easy to use. Although I intend to persevere with Flash when editing my sound, I will use the free sound editing software 'Audacity' as a back up programme to ensure I finish the sound element of my project.
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